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Ni en Educació ni en Sanitat!

dijous, 29 de maig del 2008

Frases usuals en català

Useful Catalan phrases

A collection of useful phrases in Catalan. Click on the English phrases to see them in many other languages.

Guide to abbreviations: inf = informal, frm = formal, sg = singular (to one person), pl = plural (to two or more people), >m = said to men, >f = said to women

English català (Catalan)
Welcome Benvingut (>m), Benvinguda (>f), Benvinguts (pl), Benvingudes (pl/f)
Hello Hola, Bon dia
Digui, Si, Hola (on phone
How are you?
I'm fine, thanks. And you?
Com estàs? (inf) Com està? (frm)
Bé, gràcies, i tu?
Long time no see Quant (de) temps!
What's your name?
My name is ...
Com et dius? (inf) Com es diu? (frm)
Em dic ...
Where are you from?
I'm from ...
D'on és vostè?
Som de ..., Vinc de ...
Pleased to meet you Encantat! Molt de gust, Tant de gust
Good morning Bon dia
Good afternoon Bona tarde
Good evening/night Bona nit
Goodbye Adéu (goodbye), A reveure (see you), Que vagi bé (take care),
Fins ara (see you soon), Fins després (see you later),
Fins demà (see you tomorrow), Ja ens veurem (we'll be in touch)
Good luck Bona sort! Molta sort!
Cheers/Good health! Salut! Txin txin!
Bon appetit Bon profit! Click here to hear this phrase Que vagi de gust!
Bon voyage Bon viatge!
I don't understand No ho entenc Click here to hear this phrase
Please speak more slowly Parli més a poc a poc, sisplau Click here to hear this phrase
Please write it down Pot escriure-ho, si us plau?
Que m'ho podria escriure, si us plau?
Do you speak Catalan?
Yes, a little
Que parla català? Parla català? (frm) Parles català? (inf)
Sí, una mica/un poc
Excuse me Dispensi! Perdoni!
How much is this? Quant costa això?
Sorry Perdó! Em sap greu
Thank you

Response (You're welcome)
gràcies Click here to hear this phrase moltes gràcies Click here to hear this phrase mercès
De res
Where's the toilet? On és la cambra de bany?
Do you want to dance with me? Vols ballar amb mi?
I love you T'estimo Click here to hear this phrase
Get well soon Que et milloris
How do you say ... in Catalan? Com es diu en català ...?
Leave me alone! Deixa'm en pau!
Call the police! Truca la policia!
Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
Bon Nadal i feliç any nou
Happy Easter Bona Pasqua
Happy Birthday Per molts anys Click here to hear this phrase Bon aniversari Moltes Felicitats Click here to hear this phrase
One language is never enough no n'hi ha prou amb una llengua
My hovercraft is full of eels El meu aerolliscador està ple d'anguiles

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, please contact me.

Information about written and spoken Catalan

books Language learning materials for Catalan


Collections of Catalan phrases (some with audio)

Phrases in related languages

Catalan, French, Friulian, Italian, Jèrriais, Latin, Occitan, Portuguese (Brazlian), Portuguese (European), Romanian, Spanish

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